Tuesday, February 10, 2009


HI!! Sorry I haven't been uploading lately! I've just been so busy, what with homework, chores, drawing, that kind of stuff.
Well, I haven't been doing so good. I don't have very good grades (mostly B's and B-'s) and I haven't really been doing emotionally wise. I just have been kind of sad lately, and I keep feeling really lonely. I don't know why though. -sigh-
And my grades are kind of down. I did really bad on this one Social Studies project, and it brought my grade down a lot. Then in English I have one thing missing, and that kinda brought my grade down a bit, but I also have some assignments that got Cs, so that could have also brought my grade down to the B I have now. I don't really even want to look at my Science grades -wince- because I probably have a B in that class too. -sigh-
I seem to be helping other people before I help myself. This might be good in some situations, but I don't think thats the case in this one. Ugh...
Sorry to bug you about all of my troubles, I shouldn't be depending on people on the internet who read my blog... if there are any people who read this blog... -sigh-
On the brighter side, it's snowing outside... wait.. no I take that back, it's not snowing outside, but it was. There is snow on the ground, and I think it's cold enough for the roads to freeze -crosses fingers- 
And I don't want to go to school at all tomorrow. I'm seriously considering faking being sick (although I am kind of sick, I'm coughing and sneezing, and I keep feeling woozy and my throat hurts -sigh-) so that I can skip. But I can't do that to my mom. She's already missed a lot of work lately because me and my sisters have been sick and now she doesn't have any more sick days, and soon she'll have to count out sick days as vacation days, and I don't want to make my mom do that. And besides, my mom doesn't trust me anyway... so I doubt she would buy it unless I like passed out or had a fever... -sigh-
I'm such an idiot.. I need help from my friends.. but I don't want to worry them and make them think that I am just trying to get attention. God.. I'm such a stupid person. I only think about others... and never myself.. and I'm always putting myself down. I can never admit to myself that I'm good. That I'm good enough to be here.
Jeez, here I am , telling random strangers all of my worries and problems. I'm spilling my heart out to someone I don't even know exists. I'm such a mindless idiot! Jeez I'm calling myself an idiot a lot today!
But that's how I feel; like an idiot!
-sigh- I'm sorry....

I should probably go now before I start mentally crying.. wait... I'm already doing that...
Never mind about me.. go on with your life's, forget about me.. and wow this is a long post.



  1. hey Kaylee! this is twilight_immortal from twilightunleashed. i luv your blog! thanx for your helpful comments on mine! ttyl!

  2. I hope you raise up your grades in school! I'm sorry your not feeling well, right now. But I do enjoy reading your posts. Bye


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