Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sorry! I accidently posted this without any words on it!! ^^; Heh heh

Hi! I'm sick... and I've been sick for a while now. I stayed home from school on Thursday and Friday. Ughness! And I'm still sick. But.. I think I'm getting better. Which is a good thing.

It was snowing really really hard this morning. The snowflakes were like the size of... of.... my fist...ish. A little smaller than that... but pretty much that big! It was so pretty and cool! There was this little... like opening space thing where the tree branch overhung so that the snow wouldn't get to it. It was over the fence, so a whole bunch of little birdies would just sit there waiting for the snow to stop. I would have taken a picture.. but I didn't have a camera on me (I don't have one of my own) so I couldn't get a shot... Gosh darn it.
Lawl xD

And yeah! So... yuppers.



  1. He He He! Ha. You really have a unique way of describing life situations that is easy to understand and really interesting to read!!


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